Message from the CEO

We are committed to a future where Malaysian palm oil is renowned for quality and positive contributions to the planet and society.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the sustainability newsletter “PalmSphere” from the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). As the MPOC CEO, it gives me great pleasure to introduce this publication, which represents our unwavering commitment to advancing sustainable practices as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles within the Malaysian palm oil industry.

The palm oil sector is vital to Malaysia's economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing significantly to our nation's economic growth. However, we are fully aware of the world's concerns regarding palm oil production's environmental and social impacts. Fortunately, these concerns can be addressed through a collective effort to promote sustainability and responsible business practices.

At MPOC, we firmly believe that sustainability and ESG are not mere buzzwords, but the ethos that guides the Malaysian palm oil industry. This newsletter serves as a platform for us to share our journey, progress, and insights into making the Malaysian palm oil industry a model of sustainability. We are dedicated to fostering a responsible palm oil sector that considers ecological well-being, social welfare, and ethical governance standards.

We recognise the importance of a transparent dialogue with our stakeholders, including consumers, investors, governments, and NGOs. This newsletter aims to strengthen this dialogue, fostering trust, understanding, and collaboration. Your feedback and engagement are encouraged as we progress towards a sustainable Malaysian palm oil industry.

We are committed to a future where Malaysian palm oil is renowned for quality and positive contributions to the planet and society. I would like to express my gratitude to our dedicated team at MPOC, industry partners, and supporters in our sustainability and ESG efforts. Together, we aim to harmonise Malaysian palm oil production with nature, benefit local communities, and maintain high ethical standards. Explore this newsletter to be part of the solution.

Let us cultivate both prosperity and a greener tomorrow for the benefit of Malaysia's future!

Belvinder Sron